“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13
“I count on God. He has resources that we know not of. Daily I see miracles.” – Bl. Anne Marie Javouhey
“Her spirit is not put out, she lives.” The spirit and vision of our Foundress Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey, lives on in every student and in every school activity. A woman whose every heart beat was for God, whose life exuded the fragrance of passionate selfless service, indomitable courage, unwavering focus and God-centredness – Anne Marie Javouhey – surpasses time and trend and stands as the best role model and inspiration, to every student and member of the staff.
Behind the success of our institution is the faithful, merciful intervention of God Almighty coupled with the collaboration of the management, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, past pupils and well wishers. Together we strive for the holistic education of the girl child which aims at academic excellence, spiritual awakening, character formation, empathy towards the poor and marginalized in the society.
The School is a second home for every student. We provide them with the best of learning facilities amidst excellent amenities. We aid the process of self-discovery through a host of co-curricular activities and a congenial ambience.
A Cluny School leaver is a strong young woman who respects and takes pride in her womanhood; is a citizen with the determination and the ability to lead an honourable life; is a kind, honest, charitable, exemplary member of her society; is the joy, motivation and strength of her family; is the tireless pilgrim who braves the storms of life tenaciously focussing on her goal to “enter through the narrow gate” and take her place in the grand blue print of the Creator.
Sail on Clunians!! God is with us.
– Rev. Sr. Rosily, Principal