It gives me immense joy to know that St. Joseph of Cluny is re-launching its website. This website provides a documentation of the history of the arrival of sisters in Pondicherry and their indomitable service in the social, medical and academic fields. A brief history of our Foundress Bl. Anne Marie Javouhey gives one an insight into the luminous life of a woman of insurmountable courage. Mention has been made of all the Principals and their contribution towards the growth of Cluny School, Puducherry. As you scan through this website you will learn a lot about the education that is imparted, the infrastructure, the ambience of an eco and environment friendly campus and the ideologies that govern this institution that makes it so unique and gratifying to be a part of the Cluny family. I am greatly indebted to Rev. Sr. Rosily and her team for their creativity and hard work.
May God Almighty continue to Shower His Graces upon this institution and may Cluny grow in leaps and bounds and scale great heights in the years to come.
– Rev. Sr. Rosita, Provincial Superior, South East Province, Puducherry.